All of a sudden you realize how wonderful your friends and your family are. Your heart opens to them, and their hearts open to you, in a way never before. This is wonderful timing. Because we’re all going to die soon. All we have is now.

You stop being so rigid about your time and energy. You just let things come in, because it’s gonna come. Stuff you can’t control will be pouring all through you. You start answering your phone. You stop making rules.

You let go of control. You realize you don’t know. All of your plans get burned in the fire of life. There’s nothing but today, and the reality of how temporary this all is.

Some of the illusion, created by the mind, of time, of plans, of what you think is gonna happen, weakens, turns ghostly. Of course it’s still there, because ignorance is so thick. You still have certain expectations, ideas, hopes, dreams, anticipation. But it’s a lot more unsettled, swirling around like leaves in the wind.

You’re not trying to organize those leaves, that’s for goddamn sure.